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"Keep your finger on the pulse of the industry and lead future trends - your daily information energy station!"
2024-09-27 18:16:00
ASO refers to App Store Optimization, which is the process of optimizing a mobile application to rank higher in the search results of an app store. Scorewall is a Chinese term that translates to “points wall” or “credit wall”. It refers to a marketing technique used by some mobile app developers to encourage users to interact with their apps by offering rewards or points in exchange for completing certain tasks or actions within the app.
In some cases, developers may use ASO Scorewalls to incentivize users to leave reviews or ratings for their apps, which can help improve the app's ranking in the app store. It is important to note that some app stores have guidelines and policies regarding incentivized reviews and ratings and may penalize or remove apps that violate these policies.
ASO Scorewalls vary by app store and region, but here are some general ASO Scorewall principles to keep in mind:
1.Transparency: When ASO Scorewalls operate, developers should clearly disclose any rewards or incentives offered in exchange for user behavior and avoid misleading or deceptive language.
2.Avoid Manipulation: When ASO Wall of Points is in operation, developers should not incentivize users to engage in activities that artificially increase app rankings or violate app store policies, such as leaving fake reviews or ratings.
3.Respect User Privacy: When operating ASO Wall of Score, developers should obtain user consent before collecting any personal data or sharing it with third parties as part of an incentive program.
4.Comply with App Store Policies: When operating an ASO Wall of Points, Developers should review and comply with any relevant App Store policies regarding incentivized reviews, ratings, and other user actions.
In addition to these general principles, developers should also review the specific guidelines and policies of the app stores to which they distribute their apps, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. For example, Apple App Store guidelines prohibit incentivized reviews and ratings, while Google Play Store policies allow incentivized reviews but require clear disclosure and prohibit manipulation.